“in our post-covid world, camp and its inner workings have changed drastically. emily tackles these hurdles head on. she mixes
humor and sarcasm with real life experiences and sprinkles
that with an incredible understanding of who kids are and
how they want to and should be treated."
-jennifer lenkowsky, kaplen jcc on the palisades

"Emily is awesome, her enthusiasm is infectious and she is a master of her craft."
"I just wanted to thank you so much for coming to talk to me and my crew on Tuesday. All of our brains are just exploding with new takes on old tricks and better yet, excellent new strategies to make everyone’s life easier! Thank you once again."
"Enaging, concrete info!"
"Liked the case study and discussion."
"Emly is entertaining, relating and very knowledgable. Her session was fun which helps me learn better."
"Emily is a wealth of information."
"The way Emily presents is a nice mix of "formal"- using slideshows/handouts- and "informal" inviting group question answer sessions and delving into other topics if the group wanted information. She is knowledgeable about the topics and was willing to share her experiences while also being very open to recognizing that every program is different so what works at one camp may not work at another. The sessions dealt with some serious and frustrating topics about camper behavior however she kept the tone lighthearted. She brings good advice, collaborative ideas and solutions."
"Emily was a great speaker, very engaging. Super funny!!! I appreciate the deep knowledge and understanding of a sensitive topic. Lots of great personal examples. :) Thanks for some great strategies."
"Incredibly engaging. The mix of humor with some very serious topics was excellent."
"Emily is informative, capable and empathetic."
"Good, clear tools for working with socially challenged students."
"Emily in incredibly enaging, and that makes a huge difference. She can break down complex topics for everyone to understand."
"Great energy, approachable."
"Phenomenally prepared and coherent. Obvious mastery and comfort with the material."
"She is matter of fact and also lighthearted. I enjoyed her sense of humor."
"Thank you very much for a fun and informative few sessions. I greatly appreciate your passion and dedication to children, especially those who need some extra love and guidance. I’m excited to share this info with my coworkers in hopes to better help some of our students make it through their days a little happier."
"Wonderful synergy and warm to approach. Confident! Realistic!"
"She has a great personality and loves what she does. So inspiring!"
The information was great and so was your delivery of it!"
"I look forward to implementing many of the guidelines and tips you laid out as I work with kids at camp and at my after school job."
"I am trying to implement changes at my camp that will make it inclusive and you presented a lot of great information to help me do that. I think the rest of my leadership staff could really benefit from learning more about what it means to be inclusive and what that looks like at camp."
"Energetic and clear."
"She was super engaging, great resources and experience shared throughout the session."
"Has a great and unique perspective."
"You have a wonderful ability to say something perfect when you put on the "talking to a parent" voice and I hope to get that language down pat... I would prefer to not have to but alas :-p "
"So knowledgable and makes you feel very validated."
"I loved the detailed notes and slides."
"Emily really knows how to speak to a room, and her sessions always give me important information to bring back to my own camp."
"One of the parts I liked the most was that Emily gave practical and implementable suggestions....the ideas were hands on and easily adaptable. She encouraged the group to take anything she had said and use the material as we deemed appropriate. Emily made it clear that she was all about sharing information for the greater good."
"Emily's session was by far my favorite part of the day."
"Emliy is a fantastic, honest, engaging speaker! Subjects always pertinent."
"Emily has a great style of presenting."
"Her teaching style was so exciting and enthusiastic!"
"Emily's presentation is very well organized and easy to follow. I'm leaving this workshop with SO many new ideas on improving my behavior management plan and communication with parents. Great session, great presenter!"
"Informational and confident."
"As a special educator who specializes in restorative approach, I appreciated your refreshing take on behavior."
"Great ideas for clear planning and procedures! Reallly appreciated this."
"Emily is always one of my favorite presenters at ACA! I always make sure I see at least one of her sessions She has great experience and I always walk away with tools to use at my camp."
"Specific examples/strategies to use when working with campers and training staff. Strong presenter."
"Information I can use right off the bat."
"Humor to make the tools memorable."
"Realistic, specific, info easy to adapt for our own situation."
"Emily asked what we would be taking back to our staff at the end so we could discuss that as a group."
"This will only be my second year as a camp director and what I took away from your talks are going to help me TREMENDOUSLY this summer and in training my staff."
"Practical tools."
"Everyone left with a couple more skills to use."
"Interactive and engaging. Loved the chance to have open discussion and role playing."
"Emily has a fantastic personality. She shared useful tips for engaging campers of all abilities."